A better village
through growth

A Safer City


As your City Councilmember, I will do my best to ensure that Bella Vista maintains its status as one of the safest cities in Arkansas. 

Supporting our community by creating an environment where all residents feel confident in their safety is crucial for our City. Funding state of the art facilities, ensuring access to health care providers, leading proper training, and creating safe, travelable roadways are all part of the infrastructure that I want to help create in Bella Vista.

A More Vibrant Community


Bella Vista continues to grow as more people realize what a great place it is to live. I want to embrace the changing demographics of the City while maintaining the close-knit, Village atmosphere that makes Bella Vista so unique.

As your representative, I will do my best to ensure that our Community remains active, with activities that are relevant for our changing population. I hope to do this by supporting local events, promoting local businesses and services, and being available to listen to the concerns of not only my constituents of Ward 1, but to all citizens in Bella Vista.   

Better for Business


Bella Vista is ready for reasonable growth of local businesses and entrepreneurs. Creating an attractive atmosphere in which new businesses can see the value of landing in Bella Vista is pivotal to the success of our City. 

I will do my part to keep the Comprehensive 2040 Plan on track. I believe that Bella Vista can become so much more than just a bedroom community; we have the drive, desire, and ability to make Bella Vista a jewel in Northwest Arkansas’s business sphere. By being a driving force with this Plan, we can ensure that Bella Vista will reap the benefits of the tax revenue that we are currently losing to neighboring cities. 

More Financially Responsible


The City recently received 5.9 million dollars through the American Rescue Plan (ARP), and while those funds were appropriated to fund the salaries of the police, fire, and emergency workers in our community, the funds previously allocated to those expenses are now free. 

Now is the time to lay the groundwork for Bella Vista’s future. As your Councilmember, I will research proposed spending to reflect both the desires of the citizens, but also what’s best for years to come.

A Steward of Natural Beauty


Bella Vista is the incredible place it is for two reasons: the village-like community and the beautiful environment around us. I believe that we can be better stewards of our surroundings. Limiting the clear cutting of trees, offering incentives to our residents who utilize our recycling facilities, and creating opportunities for residents to help keep Bella Vista beautiful is an investment that will create a lifetime of return.  

As your representative, I hope to help enhance the beauty of Bella Vista through initiatives such as grant writing, collaborations with groups and individuals to keep our City as green as possible, and enhancing the recycling program that is currently in place. 

A Better City for All Arkansans


The demographics of Bella Vista are changing as more people choose to raise their families here. There is a need for greater representation of the citizens of Bella Vista to ensure that the interests of all community members are taken into consideration. 

By electing me to the City Council, you’re electing someone who has multi-generational ties to Northwest Arkansas. I have watched the incredible growth of the area first hand, and am ready to work to see what Bella Vista can become.