Let’s Build a Better Village.
Bella Vista needs a clear, responsible vision for growth that maintains the traditions that make our community vibrant.
Planning a better Bella Vista
A Safer City
As your City Councilmember, I will do my best to ensure that Bella Vista maintains its status as one of the safest cities in Arkansas.
A More Vibrant Community
Bella Vista continues to grow as more people realize what a great place it is to live. I want to embrace the changing demographics of the City while maintaining the close-knit, Village atmosphere that makes Bella Vista so unique.
Better for Business
Bella Vista is ready for reasonable growth of local businesses and entrepreneurs. Creating an attractive atmosphere in which new businesses can see the value of landing in Bella Vista is pivotal to the success of our City.
More Financially Responsible
The City recently received 5.9 million dollars through the American Rescue Plan (ARP), and while those funds were appropriated to fund the salaries of the police, fire, and emergency workers in our community, the funds previously allocated to those expenses are now free.
A Steward for Natural Beauty
Bella Vista is the incredible place it is for two reasons: the village-like community and the beautiful environment around us. I believe that we can be better stewards of our surroundings. Limiting the clear cutting of trees, offering incentives to our residents who utilize our recycling facilities, and creating opportunities for residents to help keep Bella Vista beautiful is an investment that will create a lifetime of return.
A Better City for All Arkansans
The demographics of Bella Vista are changing as more people choose to raise their families here. There is a need for greater representation of the citizens of Bella Vista to ensure that the interests of all community members are taken into consideration.